Vó Devanir embala as netas com sua voz de mezzo soprano
Vovó Devanir canta “All the Pretty Little Horses” para suas netas Juliana e Gabriela
► “All the Pretty Little Horses” é uma linda canção de ninar originária dos Estados Unidos, onde é também conhecida como “Hush-a-bye”.
Vários autores que pesquisam a origens das canções populares afirmam que esta canção surgiu entre os escravos afro-americanos nas fazendas do Sul dos Estados Unidos.
A vovó Devanir Abreu, do Coral do Portal do Morumbi, costumava embalar, com sua voz de mezzo soprano, as netinhas Juliana e Gabriela.
Foi no auditório do Portal que ela gravou especialmente para “avosidade” esta deliciosa canção infantil, acompanhada ao piano por Soraya M. A. Marques e regência do maestro Daniel Vieira.
Acompanhe a canção:
All the Pretty Little Horses
Hush a bye, don’t you cry
Go to sleep little baby
When you wake you shall have
All the pretty little horses
Blacks and bays, dappled and grays
Coach and six white horses
Blacks and bays, dappled and grays
All the pretty little horses
Way down yonder in the meadow
Cry to sleep little lamby
Birds and flies were pecking his eyes
Poor little thing cried mammy
Blacks and bays, dappled and grays
Coach and six white horses
Blacks and bays, dappled and grays
All the pretty little horses
Hush a bye, don’t you cry
Go to sleep little baby
When you wake you shall have
All the pretty little horses
Hush-a-by, Don’t you cry
Go to sleep, little baby
And when you wake
You shall have a cake
And all the pretty little ponies
Paint and Bay, sorrel and gray
All the pretty little ponies
So hush-a-by, don’t you cry
Go to sleep, little baby
Way down yonder in de medder
There’s a po’ lil lambie
De bees an’ de butterflies
Peckin’ out its eyes
De po’ lil lambie cried, “Mammy!”
Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry
Go to sleep, you little baby
When you wake you shall have cake
All the pretty little horses
Black and bay, dapple and grey
Coach and six white horses
All the pretty little horses
Hush-a-bye, Don’t you cry
Go to sleep, you little baby
When you wake you shall have cake
And all the pretty little horses
Black and bay, dapple and grey
Coach and six white horses
All the pretty little horses
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